Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ghost Boners

Tonight I drew. I can't be bothered to investigate this "scanner" situation, so instead I took pictures of my sketchbook with my shitty built-in webcam. Punx!
Last night I was walking home from a FLAP (Feminist League for Agitation Propaganda) potluck with Molly and Nik. As we walked by the Paragon (semi-obnoxious bar/club near my house), we realized that instead of the regular group of schwasted party-goers there was, in fact, a bunch of roller derby girls hanging around outside. Since when does Halifax have roller derby?!? Anyway, Molly and I (having spent the evening drinking wine and hot toddies and talking about sex with feminists) were so stoked on the derby girls that we got boners. Invisible, girl-boners! GHOST BONERS! We decided to start a punk band called Ghost Boner (earlier in the night I also suggested starting an all-lady punk band called The Nuns, but I don't think anyone was super keen on it).
So tonight, I drew myself and Molly, ghost boners and all. Is this NSFW? Somehow I doubt it. Besides, who do I know that actually has a job? (other that you, Cory)

The text reads: "Rosie & Molly are stoked about their GHOST BONERS"
Slightly more close up, hopefully the invisible boners are more visible.

This blog went from 0 to 10 11 boners in one post! Wow!

p.s. It should be noted that both Molly and I should be dressed head to toe in black, but that gets boring. Also, I have a little pen. Use your imagination.


Uhtceara said...

and you finished this with a comment about having "a little pen"?

isn't that just setting yourself up a bit now?

Riot said...


Uhtceara said...

you disgust me!

Riot said...

what a terrible thing to say!

Uhtceara said...

it wasn't true.
you're the best.

i want to send you some cheesecake, but it might not survive the mail.

Cera said...

you will not believe the amount of boner questions and conversations I had with Jeffrey as a result of this post. I don't know, I can't even imagine what it'd be like to have one!