Saturday, December 18, 2010


A mix tape I'm working on. Someone is going to get this in the mail!
Jae and I were busking earlier this week, and this young hipster-y couple walked by and dropped two little monthly comics into (onto) our case. I never really liked monthly comics, but they're perfect for collage. Especially when they have ridiculous text.


90's Babies said...

This comic is the story of my life.

Riot said...

wow, I really hope not! Side A is a flashback, and the naked girl (one what did the fellating) wound up shot in the head in the next panel.
That's why monthly comics are stupid, because at issue 13 I have no idea what the fuck is going on!

Uhtceara said...

and come on, who says 'fellated'?

Riot said...

oh, she's a robot! Like, a space robot or something!

Uhtceara said...

my bad, then.

Adam Matlock said...

I knew someone who was writing a total hipster postmodern comic like this, only there were also superheroes. I would be chilled to discover if this was the type of dialogue he came up with.