Saturday, November 6, 2010

South End Shed Show

There was a show tonight in what was originally referred to as a "shed". It was not a fucking shed! It had high ceilings and hanging lanterns and a wood stove and rugs!
In any case, it was an all right show. It went on forever, but people I love played the music that I love so I went and I sang along and, of course, took photos.

What nine punks look like, on a mission from the North end to the South.

Steve Believe wasn't initially part of the lineup, but he's the best, so he played some tunes. It makes me a little sad that someone asked him to play a cover, since his original stuff is so good.
Tucker and Sam, playing Ash Cats covers... Kind of awkward.
They're talented, but it was a weird choice.

Saiyen Yendall, first time I've actually seen her play.
Really neat guitar stuff, wish she sang a little bit more confidently.

Lis. Very cute songs, but I really don't have the attention span anymore.

The Rumble Strips! One of the best new bands on the scene.
Steve decided he wanted to be "punk", so he stole my vest...

Mogli. Actually played some songs tonight I didn't know all the words to.
I'm slipping as her number one fan!

Ryley and Steve aren't a band, they're just the most adorable people on the planet.

Snail Party (+ Steve)
powerful, great tunes, great friends, super photogenic.

That was my night, now I'm sitting around the kitchen table with Kelly, Sonny, and Jawsh. Eating icecream and talking about art school.
Work in the morning, then a date, then band practice, then the first weekly OrFUNage night (room mate board games). Great weekend, IMHO.


Anonymous said...

I think my heart actually exploded a little from the amount of adorable that is the photo of Ryley & Steve cuddling

Riot said...

Oh dude, you have no idea. They are the cutest in the world!

Guelph Adventurist Society said...

i so want to be there.
