Friday, January 21, 2011

My life in point-form:

+ Slept in every day this week with my favourite gentleman

+ Got paid today

+ Got paid back most of a chunk of money that's owed to me

- the above funds combined with my GST cheque only puts me at $5 above rent

+ It's 5 degrees right now

- all the snow is melting on the commons, which is how I discovered one of my rubber boots has a leak

+ I just ate my favorite sandwich (avocado, hummus, red onion, havarti, greens)

- couldn't really afford those groceries

+ I've not only been making art every day, but I've been making art that I'm proud of every day!

+ I successfully booked a show for the Mistake Makers tour by myself, in a town where I don't know
anyone. I've never done that before!

+ I'm bartering with a friend for some tailoring (I'm doing the tailoring, and getting a zine for it)

+ just smooched a little bit (best interlude)

- my cat pooped on my floor today. I don't know what the fuck has gotten into these animals

+ I built a new bike

- it might be too small for me

+ I'm exactly where I want to be

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