Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Riot Squat

Last night I had a dream that I was living in a huge, multi-level squat with a large group of (mostly) queer women. It was like, an apartment building or a school or something and it was called Riot Squat.
There was some sort of party, I think it was an anniversary celebration and there were people and christmas lights and food all over the place. At one point I made out with a girl I've never met and stole her lip ring...
But then I remember running really fast up and down stairs and hiding under tables and behind doors as the squat got evicted by cops.
It weird, even though I didn't dream about actually setting up the squat or living there for any amount of time, I was really crushed by the eviction. I mean, I guess I always have a really emotional reaction to cops doing especially shitty things, and I've been through a squat eviction, but in the dream it still all felt really personal.

Also, does anyone else think Riot Squat is fucking sweet name?

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