Friday, April 8, 2011

Canada has 3 seasons: Busking, traveling, and winter

Well it's officially busking season here in Halifax! Despite the fact it was 0 degrees today, Ryley and I went downtown for the third day in a row. Now my fingers are super sore, my freckles are out in full force and my coin purse is significantly heavier. Each day we do a little better as we stay out longer, learn more songs, and become more comfortable with the songs we know.
I ran into another prominent Halifax busker today (his name is Matt, he's older than us and usually plays Beatles and Bob Dylan tunes) and he told us about how he'd just gotten a dish washing job after being "free" for 6 years. I think it was the first time I'd seen him downtown without his guitar, and he agreed he felt naked without it. It funny to think that he got a job to supplement his busking, and I busk to supplement my job.
Ryley and I are going to some random punk show in the north end tonight, so check on DIY Halifax soon for show photos and a review!

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