Sunday, April 10, 2011

I got my GST cheque last week, which was a huge windfall to a person like me. I deposited it yesterday, and as a treat for...I don't know, getting a bunch of money without really having to work for it, I bought myself a new mop (one that I can actually wring out. I swear I have not mopped this apartment more than twice since I've lived here and frankly that's kinda gross) and a chin-up bar (surprise! I have become a huge jock!).
While I was walking back home with Molly, a lady that was walking her (enormous, beautiful) dog shouted out "DON'T BECOME TOO DOMESTIC!"
I assured her that there was no danger of that.

I've been to two punk shows in two days. I didn't know anyone playing! Weird! One was in a shed and one was in a bar. One I went to with my rad roommate and one I went to with my rad friend (not to say that my roommate isn't my friend, of course). One show had a lot of pot smokers, and the other had a lot of leather jackets with silver spikes and dudes wearing their own band's merch and dudes with reeeeeeaaally long hair. One show had a puppy, the other was seriously lacking in that department.

Today I used my new mop and my new chin-up bar and drank wine at work while talking about oppression and racism and then I just set up a TUMBLR what is wrong with me. I also talked to Steve on the phone and it sure as hell did not make me miss him any less.


Celeste said...

fuck yeah chin-ups!

Riot said...

I know, right!? I installed it in the door to my bedroom so that I do a chin-up every time I walk through. I feel like my arms are going to necrotize and fall off my body.
But, y'know, in a good way.