Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ok, so I may have jumped the gun with my angry post.
I went to the party, and it seems the "theme" never came in to play.
Never the less, someone decided that would be a party theme and thought it was a good enough idea to spread it around.
Does the fact that people are too apathetic to carry out a party theme redeem anything? Did they decide it was a bad idea? Was there a miscommunication?
I don't know, but everyone is drunk on hooch and someone I really love just got back in to town, so I'm going to save my rage for tomorrow.


rowan said...

too much apathy to carry out the theme of something which is basically the holocaust of the irish doesn't redeem much of anything.
it's still not fucking funny. it's not even funny in that way where if you think of it as bro humour it's 'funny'. it just falls flat, which is probably the most rage inducing part. nothing about the ol an gorta mor is funny. it was genocide. it's fucked up and sad.

maybe there was a miscommunication, but you seemed pretty certain they were talking about the irish famine as the specific blight mentioned. since blight is not a word linked solely with the famine, that doesn't seem pulled out of thin air. so i'm not sure there was. it's your call now on whether or not you want to deal with those people, and whether they are worth sinking the time into.

(i figured out who they were by the way. not stoked.)

Celeste said...

is it possible this is a problem of misinformation and a poor choice of words?

research tells me blight is about the potato famine? until this moment i've only associated the word with the reason all my tomatoes got weird at the end of last summer.

and maybe vaguely with a "creeping evil growth" in some vague way. it might be a nice word to describe the evils of civilization and i could see someone as uninformed as i am obliviously thinking of it as a good theme for a party.

that being said, if someone pointed out that blight is also basically, like rowan said, a genocide, and they still thought it was a good theme for a party, that's shitty.

so, maybe just ignorance? maybe ignorance and a failure to address the problem when it was raised? humans suck at taking criticism well, as a species, i think.

curious to know how this resolves itself, anyway.

Riot said...

Celeste - they specifically mentioned the great famine. I tried to talk to folks yesterday, but it didn't go so well, but they've expressed the desire to come down again today and talk some more.
Hopefully this is a good thing.