Thursday, March 10, 2011


Woah, it's my birthday! I'm 23!  Every year the changing second digit gets harder to believe. Even though 23 is only one step away from 22, it feels like such a huge difference. I'm the same person I was yesterday, but the sudden switch is jarring. It would be nicer if the numbers gradually rose throughout the year, so maybe I'll start implementing that. Today I'm 23.001, and tomorrow I'll be 23.002.
We're in London, Ontario right now hanging out with our sweet friend Davita G. While it certainly seems like there are plenty of cool kids in London, Davita shines high above them all and is seriously the nicest person I've ever met. We're hanging out at her Grandparent's house while they're away, which is especially nice considering all the extra beds they have laying around here. Slept very comfortably, very late.
Anyway, here are some shots from our show last night here in London. I seem to be losing my low-light touch, so they're pretty grainy. Bummer.

The ever-amazing Davita G.

Um, I don't remember this guy's name, but he reminded me a whole bunch of Laurie, 
and he actually played Wagon Wheel during his set.

This band was very silly. Laura Mann & the Fairly Odd Folk from Calgary. They seemed really disinterested in the whole thing, and the dude was the most serious glockenspiel player I've ever witnessed, and had quite the 'tude. 

All The Trendy Kids! These folks were great, super adorable, 
and really knew how to work a crowd. A++, would play a show with again.

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