Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesdays are pretty great

I'm still kind of reeling from my shitty past few days, but I'm definitely feeling better.
I had a really beautiful moment today of rolling across the commons on a long board, cuddled up to a newly purchased batch of wort. Ryley and I transport many things across the city on long boards (beer, guitar amps, our punk rock selves) and there's something about it that just feels kind of cute and honest. Now I'm sitting at the kitchen table with my room mates, a packet of liquid yeast stuffed down the front of my overalls (so it activates faster), listening to sad songs and waiting to go to band practice. It's nice.
I hope this beautiful weather keeps up, as I'm hitting the road tomorrow. I'm going to be away from Halifax for the next month, getting some traveling in before the snow and making some money in Ontario so I can put off getting a job for just a little bit longer.

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