We (The Official Suckers) played a show in PEI with Kit Wilson-Yang and our good friends Story and Cud. Our buddies Mogli and Steve Believe came along, and a damn good time was had!

I really, really love the ferry. We played bananagrams (not pictured) and stood around in the wind, watching the red dirt get closer and closer.
My friends are absolutely gorgeous.
Even Mogli, even when she makes the above facial expression.
 Story. |  Cud Eastbound |
The show was a lot of fun. It was at a bar I've been to before, and they were kind of pricey but it didn't matter since I wasn't drinking anyway. Folks seemed to enjoy us, and they REALLY enjoyed Kit's set! An encore was demanded!
It was a good end to the little tour. We dumpstered some doughnuts (did you know that in PEI, the Tim Horten's have completely separate green bins to put their coffee grounds in so that you don't get doughnuts covered in coffee? GENIUS! Also, I wonder if there are any people reading this who don't know what this means at all....), I got to drive the van back to Story and Cud's cabin in the woods, and we drank tea by lamplight, shared stories and went to bed.I tell ya, every time I go to the Land, I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm either cold or I have to pee or both. The fire has usually gone out, and I'm not one to get up in the pitch black and head out into coyote country to find to the outhouse, so I usually just try to sleep it off, but I almost always end up just rolling around uncomfortably until daylight.
Story and Cud have hens! I'm super jealous! They're all round and fat and make the most ridiculous noises. They smelled terrible and none of them laid while I was there, but I still thought they were cool as heck. I wanted to pick one up and squeeze them.

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