Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Almost exactly a year ago, I went on my first ever tour with The Official Suckers (I'm not counting that one time Rowan and I hitchhiked to Truro to play a show with Starla!, Todi, and Brad). I got to hear a bunch of inspiring new musicians, saw countless new places, and met some of the sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of befriending. To top it all off, I got it experience it all with my best friends, while helping spread music that's really important to a lot of people.
Lucky for me, I get to have another experience like this again this year, only with a (mostly) different band! Mistake Makers are hitting the road March 2nd and I am fucking pumped. While we may not be heading to palm tree infested South Carolina this winter, we'll be hitting up a lot of under-represented Canadian towns, and visiting a lot of very dear friends this side of the border.
I am so fucking excited!
Come watch my band play music!


Celeste said...

come to winnipeg? :D

Riot said...

Unfortunately Mistake Makers are only heading to southern ontario and back. :( but Stagnant Stars and Rumble Strips are both heading your way shortly thereafter!
Also, I forgot to mention it in my letter, but I TOTALLY want to do a week of comics on the blogs! That would be great!